F5 Logs

F5 logs are available under /var/log/ directory.

If you are looking for LTM traffic related logs, look under  /var/log/ltm

If you are looking for GTM traffic related logs, look under /var/log/gtm

GTM has been renamed as DNS from 12.x code version.

The logs are rotated every 24 hours. There will be one ltm file that contains the latest logs and multiple ltm.gz files like: ltm.1.gz, ltm.2.gz etc. The ltm.1.gz files can be opened by using the following command: zcat ltm.1.gz

    (tmos)# run util bash
    ~# cd /var/log
    ~# cat ltm

Other such logs are outlined in this article – K16197

F5 LTM – Logs

F5 logs can be seen here: /var/log/ltm

From TMSH, run the following command to move to bash:

root@lbal1(Active)(tmos)# run util bash

[root@lbal1:Active] ~ # cd /var/log
[root@lbal1:Active] log # cat ltm

/var/log/ltm has the logs for the past 24 hours. The logs available are rotated every 24 hours and past logs are stored under /var/log as: ltm.1.gz, ltm.2.gz etc

If you want to view the past logs, you can run the following command:

[root@lbal1:Active] log # zcat ltm.1.gz