Brocade ADX – JSession Persistence

This is an example for JSession ID based persistence for Brocade ADX:

csw-rule "JSESSION" header "cookie" pattern "JSESSIONID=" case-insensitive
csw-rule "URI" url pattern "JSESSIONID=" case-insensitive                 
csw-policy "CSW_JSESSION" case-insensitive                            
 match "JSESSION" persist offset 0 length 32 passive-persist              
 match "URI" persist offset 0 length 32 passive-persist                   
 default forward 1        

In the above policy, the persistence decision is made based on the first 33 characters (0-32) of the JSession ID. If this number has to be different, we would have to alter the CSW Policy to reflect the right number of characters. The csw-policy “CSW_JSESSION” would have to be utilized within the Virtual Server.

F5 iRule – JSession ID

The following is a simple iRule that provides persistence based on JSessionID that may be present in the incoming URI or within the Cookie:


# Check if the JSESSIONID cookie is present
if { [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"] ne "" }{
persist uie [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]

} else {

# Cookie wasn't set or didn't have a value, so check for the session ID in the URI
set JSESS [findstr [HTTP::uri] "JSESSIONID" 11 ";"]
if { $JSESS != "" } {
persist uie $JSESS


# Check if the JSESSIONID cookie is present in the response and has a non-null value
if { [string map {\" ""} [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]] ne "" }{
#log local0. "JSessionID in Response: [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]"
#log local0. "Set-Cookie: [HTTP::header values Set-Cookie]"

# Persist on the JSESSIONID cookie value for X seconds
persist add uie [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]


The “string map” command is utilized in the HTTP_RESPONSE event as the value for the JSESSION ID may contain the quotes “” instead of just an empty string:

Timestamp: Rule jsessionid_persist_v2_rule : Set-Cookie: {JSESSIONID="";; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00} 00 {10 GMT; Path=/; Secure}

Name the above iRule and add it to the Universal Profile as shown here:


“Match Across Services” is enabled when you have two Virtual Servers for HTTP & HTTPS traffic and you require persistence across them – SOL5837

Please, note that for any persistence that involves the header of the incoming packet, we would have to terminate the SSL Certificate & Key on the F5 in order to enable it to read & manipulate the encrypted header.


JSession ID